She3 is Empowering Girls Step by Step - Blog - Kelowna Christian School
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She3 is Empowering Girls Step by Step

As the sun sets on another season of She3, the after-school running club for girls in Grades 4 and 5, it's time to reflect on the incredible journey these young runners have embarked upon. From the first day of practice to crossing the finish line of their 5K run, each step has been a testament to their determination, growth, and sisterhood.

Throughout the season, the girls of She3 have embraced the opportunity to not only improve their physical fitness but also to nurture their social, spiritual, and emotional well-being. Under the guidance of dedicated coaches, Mrs. Hettinga, Mrs. Hawkins, and Ms. Fernandes, they have engaged in dynamic discussions, supported one another through challenges, and celebrated each other's successes. Guest coaches joined along to way to bring other strong, diverse voices to the field. In this empowering environment, they have discovered the strength within themselves and the beauty of their unique gifts.

And then came the culminating event: the 5K run. With hearts pounding and spirits high, the She3 team took to the KCS Elementary field, each lap of the field bringing them closer to their goal. As they pushed through fatigue and doubt, they drew strength from the camaraderie surrounding them, the energy of the large crowd, and strength from within. Crossing the finish line was not just a physical achievement but a testament to each girls resilience. Many girls crossed the finished line hand-in-hand, working together to have each member of their team complete their race. 

As we wrap up another season of She3, we celebrate not only the laps run but the milestones achieved. Each girl has grown stronger, both in body and in spirit. They have learned the importance of perseverance, unique god-given image, teamwork, and self-belief. And perhaps most importantly, they have discovered that they are capable of anything they set their minds to.

To the girls of She3: as you take this experience with you into the future, remember the lessons learned and the friendships forged. You are strong, you are capable, and you are unstoppable. Keep thriving, keep moving, and keep shining bright.

Until we meet again on the starting line, keep soaring, She3! 

And a big thank you to the She3 event sponsors: The Women's Place Fitness, Big Steel Box, Valeo Health Clinic, Big White, Farming Karma Beverages, and South Okanagan Insulation

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