Have you ever asked, “What does it mean to be a Christian?”
We want our students to engage the world. It is hoped that students at Kelowna Christian School, through the diverse experiences provided for them, will wrestle with the answers as to how they can be Jesus within their local and global community
The mission of KCS is to love and serve God and others. To address our mission, and love as Jesus commands us KCS has partners with various local ministries.
Every KCS High School student (grade 9-12) serves in our local community monthly. With some grade 12 students enrolling in Service 12, a bible-based course that puts love in actions and serves on a more often basis.
As a result of these service initatives, our students have reported gaining a deeper understanding of their faith and empathy for others. They truly learn that loving others means giving and expecting nothing in return.
If your are interested in partnering with KCS and provide service opportunities for KCS students, please reach out to Ian Sharp,ian.sharp@kelownachristian.ca
We believe that to achieve KCS’s mission of growing disciples of Jesus Christ who glorify God through a life of service to Him and others, we need to model that behavior. Over the past several years, our school has been influenced by Darryl Deboer and a program called Teaching for Transformation. During our training time with him he introduced us to this quote:
“It is nothing but a pious wish and a grossly unwarranted hope that students trained to be passive and non-creative in school will suddenly, upon graduation, actively contribute to the formation of Christian culture”
This quote is both inspirational and scary. In my experience as a teacher and in the church I believe this statement to be 100% true. The tension between scary and inspirational exist in the challenge that this quote presents. Creating engaged creative students within the confines of the classroom is possible, but can be difficult. It is often beyond the walls of the classroom that we have more success in achieving this.
Service is a chance for some of our students to contribute to Christian culture or at minimum love others through their actions.
“We are story-formed people. Our lives are first shaped by narrative, not by information. We don’t learn how to live the Christian life by memorizing facts, rules, precepts, morals, imports, exports, governments, and drains... We begin to see our lives as part of a pattern within the larger story of redemption. We long to live a life worthy of that story”