What Parents Say About KCS - Kelowna Christian School
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What our parents say about kcs

While our staff at KCS could go on and on saying what they love about our school, we love to hear from our families! From discussions with new families and returning families, our parents had lots to say. Have something to share, emails our Admissions Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Derek & Kristin Edstrom

We are Derek & Kristin Edstrom

Our kids are Lily (currently in grade 5) and Stella (currently in grade 2)

The girls both swim with Aquajets and ski race with Big White racers. Lily also is in Kelowna Actors Studio and Volleyball. Stella does MMA in addition to swim club.

Both Derek and I were born and raised in Kelowna. I attended KCS from kindergarten to grade 12. Derek works for the City of Kelowna and I am mostly a stay at home mom but also a Registered Clinical Counsellor. We live in close proximity to Kelowna General Hospital (aka biking distance to KCS).

KCS feels like home for me. I love that my kids are surrounded by teachers who are passionate about education, being Me Third, knowing and developing a relationship with God and serving our community locally and globally in God honoring ways. 

Jennifer & Steve Wiebe

Our children have been attending KCS since 2019. We have enjoyed our experience at both the elementary and middle school campuses. The Me Third philosophy is instilled across all areas of education. God first, others second, me third. We value Christian education and appreciate how KCS incorporates a biblical worldview into all aspects of academics, sports, arts and community. 

Our kids are in Grade 9 - Twins (boy/girl), and Grade 1 (girl)

Interests/Extracurriculars of children: Grade 9 in Volleyball, Basketball, Sports Academy, Drama, Leadership



Kristin Foulds

Our family has been at Kelowna Christian School since January 2014, so 7 years now. We really appreciate the wonderful community of parents, teachers/staff and students at KCS. I would be happy to talk with you about our experience at KCS and answer your questions. 

Daughter in Gr 9, and three sons in Gr 7, Gr 6 and Gr 2

Children are in Basketball, Volleyball, Concert and Jazz Band, Sports Academy


Simone Skavas

Coming Soon!

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