Teaching Principles - Blog - Kelowna Christian School
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Teaching Principles


 Kelowna Christian exists to educate and inspire our students so that they can be effective, active and engaged servants of Jesus - both in their life at school and in their lives beyond school. How does our mission meet the classroom and the broader educational life of the school?

The KCS Design Principles for Teaching and Learning are simple and clear guidelines that facilitate our missionally-centred educational excellence. As Christian educators, these are principles we strive for in our classrooms and throughout our school.


Created in the image of God, we believe that all of our students are special and unique. We commit as a staff to know our students well and work in a way that supports and challenges each student, encouraging them to discover, explore and build upon their God-given strengths and interests.

Mr. Murdock works with Jazz Ensemble during Intersession.


Our mission statement affirms that we are called to "love and serve God and others." Ultimately, this service will occur beyond the walls of our school. Accordingly, we believe we are called to equip our students for service in the world and this happens best when what we do in school has intentional connections beyond our walls.

CLICK HERE to see our work in the Munson Pond Park restoration project.

Middle School students work on habitat restoration at Munson Pond Park. 


Our core values include an explicit inclusion of 'perseverance'. A commitment to rigor is where perseverance meets proficiency. Most educators define rigor as those learning experiences that:

"are academically, intellectually, and personally challenging. Rigorous learning experiences, for example, help students understand knowledge and concepts that are complex, ambiguous, or contentious, and they help students acquire skills that can be applied in a variety of educational, career, and civic contexts throughout their lives."

As Christian educators, we seek to apply these concepts in ways that will equip our students to be effective disciples in a complex and changing world, trusting that with God at the centre of their lives they are able to face any challenge with perseverance and grit.


Teachers at Kelowna Christian are mentors, and program and curriculum designers. We believe this is best expressed in a collaborative-collegial culture.

Mrs. Overby reading with her class.


Our mission statement calls us to grow and equip disciples of Jesus. This challenges us to educate both the mind and heart in ways that are transformative. Teaching for transformation of the mind compels us to present biblical truths in ways that weave throughout all learning. Teaching for transformation of the heart compels us to create and value educational experiences where students can see and respond to God's transformational call on themselves, others, and His world.

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Thursday, 27 March 2025